Our Leadership
Meet Our Pastor
Hello, I am Pastor Marcia McLaughlin. It has been my privilege to serve as pastor of Benjamin Generation Church since its start on November 1, 2015. In 2013, the Lord spoke to my heart, saying: “What if I have called you to be a pastor?” There was one problem, however: there was no church for me to serve as pastor.
The Lord already knew this. Over the next two years, He opened my eyes to see the church that was already in my home. It consisted of myself and my four children who were all under the age of 25.
So, in the fall of 2015, we set a date for the first service of The Benjamin Generation Church (we have since dropped the “the”), and the Lord did not disappoint. We were all excited as we gathered to receive from the Lord at the church’s inaugural service.
Not long after, the Lord expanded my ministry to reach the youth of the church. In April 2017, we had our very first Sunday School service. This increase was the Lord answering my prayer for the young people to see and experience Jesus in His love and grace.
It has been my joy to bring the revelation of Jesus and His Perfect work on Calvary to the church. As I embark upon this new phase of my ministry, I know one thing for sure – that the future holds nothing but good for the people of Benjamin Generation Church.
